Toyota Tacoma

Vehicle identification numbers

Modifications are a continuing and unpublicized process in vehicle manufacturing. Since spare parts manuals and lists are compiled on a numerical basis, the individual vehicle numbers are essential to correctly identify the component required.

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

This very important identification number is stamped on a plate attached to the left side of the dashboard just inside the windshield on the driver’s side of the vehicle (see illustra­tion). The VIN also appears on the Vehicle Certificate of Title and Registration. It contains information such as where and when the vehicle was manufactured, the model year and the body style.

The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is visible through the driver’s side of the windshield

Toyota Tacoma The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is visible through the driver's side of the windshield

Counting from the left, the engine code is the eighth digit and the model year code is the tenth digit.

Model year codes:
5 — 2005
6 — 2006
7 — 2007
8 — 2008
9 — 2009
A — 2010
B — 2011
C — 2012
D — 2013
E — 2014
F — 2015
G — 2016
H — 2017
J — 2018

Engine serial number

On V6 engines, the engine serial num­ber is located on the right side of the engine block, at the rear of the engine (see illustra­tion). On four-cylinder engines it’s located on the left side, at the rear of the engine, near the starter (see illustration).

The engine serial number on the four-cylinder engine is located at the left rear of the engine block, below the starter

Toyota Tacoma The engine serial number on the four-cylinder engine is located at the left rear of the engine block, below the starter

The engine serial number on the V6 engine is stamped onto a pad on the right side of the engine block, at the rear of the engine

Toyota Tacoma The engine serial number on the V6 engine is stamped onto a pad on the right side of the engine block, at the rear of the engine

Manufacturer Certification label

The Manufacturer Certification label is affixed to the front door pillar. The plate contains the name of the manufacturer, the month and year of production, the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) and the certification statement (see illustration).

The manufacturer’s certification label is affixed to the driver’s side door jamb

Toyota Tacoma The manufacturer's certification label is affixed to the driver's side door jamb

Vehicle Emissions Control Information (VECI) label

The emissions control information label is found under the hood. This label contains information on the emissions control equipment installed on the vehicle, as well as tune-up specifications (see illustration).

The Vehicle Emissions Control Label (VECI) is located on the underside of the hood

Toyota Tacoma The Vehicle Emissions Control Label (VECI) is located on the underside of the hood

Transfer case and transmission identification number

The transfer case and manual transmis¬sion identification number is stamped into the case of the component. Automatic transmission numbers are stamped onto ID plates

The identification number on automatic transmissions is stamped into a plate located on the side of the transmission

Toyota Tacoma The identification number on automatic transmissions is stamped into a plate located on the side of the transmission

04.09.2021   Рубрики: Без рубрики  Comments Closed